Page 5 - Horizon EL Publication 2023
P. 5

"The Snappy Crocodile”


           to watch
           us perform.

             Ahmad Idris Bin        Ayden Yeo
                                                      Juliette Chloe      Lee Jia Xuan,    Ng En Le, Joen
             Mohamed Syarif         Jie Xiang
                                                       Sim Zi Ning          Zoanne          P1 Innovator
               P1 Innovator        P1 Innovator
                                                       P1 Innovator       P1 Innovator

                                                                                          Leona Ng Zi Xin
                                                                                            P1 Reflector

                             What is the lizard’s favourite food?
                             I’ll give you a clue. It has bugs,
                             and it is baked with mud.
                             Mmmmm... Bug pie!

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